Electric Bikes

Changing the Journey

Many people think that e-bikes are expensive and do all of the work for us, taking away the health benefits that come from pedalling our trusted manual bikes. There’s also a perception that they are just for the elderly, or for those who find cycling too challenging. While it’s true that e-bikes are popular among those wanting to prolong their cycling days with that added boost of power, they are also about so much more.

At Cycle Heaven we believe that electric bikes are a game changer, making cycling more exciting for so many more people – whether it’s speeding up ‘no sweat’ commutes, lightening your payload of shopping and kids; or encouraging you to cycle that bit further and floating up hills with an additional power boost. What’s not to like?

We’ve covered everything we know about e-bikes below, but if you need to jump to a specific section, here are the quick links:

What are the benefits of an electric bike?

Starting at £1,600, our handpicked range of electric bikes are so much cheaper than a car and from a health and planet point of view, they are a clear winner. Reaching assisted speeds of up to 15.5 mph, they are a faster way to get around York, and what better way to arrive at work than with a boost of endorphins, having taken in the view?

Book a test ride today!

Common Electric Bike myths

Who’s got over £1,500 to spend on a bike?
True, e-bikes are more expensive than manuals, however, when compared to buying and running a car they are much cheaper. A tank of diesel will cost you around £90, and that’s not mentioning the cost to the planet with all of those carbon emissions.

It costs around 22p to charge a battery on an electric bike which can give up to 100 miles of electrically powered transport. Far cheaper than a car, our range of e-bikes are built to last, with no tax to pay, and they are also far cheaper than cars to insure, (though this is not mandatory).

E- Bikes are only for people getting on a bit, who are past their biking days.
While they allow people to extend their cycling lifetime, e-bikes have so much more to offer everyone. Imagine swapping 30 minutes spent in gridlocked York traffic for a 15-minute e-bike commute? Or swapping the laden down, slightly breathless nursery cycle ride for an e-bike, with a powerful motor that takes most of the weight for you?

In Copenhagen almost half of commutes are done by bike, and sales of e-bikes are growing annually. Imagine how different York would be if bikes outnumbered cars 5 to 1? Change is only going to happen if commuters hop on.

E-bikes do all of the work for you, but surely the whole point of cycling is exercise?
At Cycle Heaven we only sell pedal assisted e-bikes, so the power is only activated by pedalling. With this system we’re still hitting those cardio exercise targets, and when we get tired the power boost of the motor keeps us going. This really helps with motivation, and to make those challenging rides more doable. In fact, e-bike riders spend 60% more time on their bikes than manual owners (Canyon, 2024).

Charging an e-bike can be dangerous…. and complicated!
Some poor-quality e-bikes have charging kits that are mismatched to the battery and overheat. However, at Cycle Heaven we only sell e-bikes from premium brands with motors and batteries from blue-chip manufacturers like Bosch and Shimano, which means that quality engineering and safety is a given, and it’s impossible to overcharge them. We have never experienced such a problem.

Maintaining an electric bike is expensive and harder than a manual.
All Cycle Heaven e-bikes come with a one year’s free servicing from us, in addition to all the different manufacturer’s warranties. This means that you can bring it to our workshop any time you like. Whether it’s seat adjustments, or a more comprehensive service, we’ve got you covered.

It is recommended that e- bikes are serviced every 6 to 12 months, depending on how often you use them. If you use your bike every day in all weathers, make it six months, if just for occasional fair-weather recreational riding, then twelve will do. Your motor software will need updating from time to time, so get it in at least once a year regardless of use. It’s £20/£30 for a diagnostic check and software update, which is a small price to maintain your e-bike, and is a lot cheaper than maintaining cars.  

E-bikes can reach high speeds and go out of control.
E-bikes in the UK are limited to 15.5mph assisted speed by law. Any faster and you’re pedalling on your own! If you want to stop, simply stop pedalling – just like a normal bike!

There are not enough cycle routes in Yorkshire to justify the purchase of an e-bike.
Once you get away from the main roads there are plenty of safe and relaxing routes to ride in North Yorkshire. Ask our staff for advice. From the North York Moors cycle way (voted the best route in the UK Ireland by Big 7 Travel, 2024) to the planets ride along The Solar Path to Selby, there’s plenty to do.

Our top picks for e-bikes

Best Conventional E-Bike for parent and child: Gazelle Bloom - from £2,349.99*

Gazelle Bloom C7 with child seats

Picture riding little ones to nursery, weighed down with nursery bags and the rest! Much easier on this…

The Bloom can fit up to 2 child seats (one on the front, one on the back).  Low step through frame makes the mount and dismount easy. Comfy upright riding position and nice wide handlebars for good control and plenty of space for a front child seat. Child seats sold separately! 

 Known at Cycle Heaven as ‘The Mother Ship’, it’s blooming marvellous!

Switch to an electric bike…
An electric bike
gives a much- needed additional boost of power making those take offs so much easier, even with kids on board. Gazelle e-bikes also have the added bonus of having a completely enclosed chain, or belt-drives meaning no dirty clothes! Change that commute with little ones.

Book a test ride today!

Take the sweat out of commuting, E- Bikes for commuters

Picture yourself in gridlocked traffic during rush hour in York. This can mean ages stuck in traffic whilst only covering a few miles. Constant stressful stopping and starting while burning through expensive fuel which isn’t getting any cheaper. An electric bike allows you to thread through the traffic or bypass it altogether offering a cheaper, speedy and more sustainable way to get to work. The additional power means that you’re much more likely to arrive sweat free, and that your heart rate is still raised enough to tick off your weekly quota of aerobic exercise! In cities like Copenhagen e-bikes are part of the community, and 49% of all trips to school, work or shopping are done by bike (Visit Copenhagen,2024). One of the happiest, healthiest cities in the world, York is very similar, yet we are at a crossroads when it comes to bikes.

Best E- Bikes for commuters: Gazelle Ultimate C8+  - from £3,179.99*

The Ultimate C8+ comes equipped with a clean and dry-running belt drive with an enclosed hub gear. This means no exposed oily parts to attract dirt and smudge your clothing. It also means that the machinery is protected from the weather, so low maintenance and running costs. Fully equipped for the city with rack, lights and kickstand. Contemporary styling with a low step frame makes this a lovely and simple easy-to-use all-rounder.

Book a test ride today!

Best e-bike for country jaunts:  Picture yourself out on country lanes at the weekend
For those little adventures, the extra power that the motor delivers takes the pain out of climbs, whilst still letting us do some of the hard work. You will be amazed how far an e-bike will take you with only minimal sweat on York cycle tracks, e-bikes make the journey even faster and more pleasurable.

Best e-bike for country jaunts: Gazelle Medeo - from £2,399*

Wider 650b tyres allow you to navigate gravel tracks and pot holes on country lanes with ease. Powerful Bosh Performance Line motor with 75Nm will power you up the steepest hills. 500w or 625w batteries will give you extra range and fully equipped with accessories make this a very capable-bike to go exploring. For the even more adventurous we recommend…

Best e-bike for more rugged adventures: Riese und Müller Nevo - from £3,599*

Even fatter tyres, with more power with from the Bosch 85Nm motor, more range from the 625w or 750w battery and more rugged suspension make this bike even more capable. Yet it still comes in a user-friendly, low step frame so its very easy to mount and dismount. Durable and low maintenance with its belt drive and Enviolo hub gear.

Book a test ride today!

Frequently Asked Questions about Electric Bikes

What is the difference between an e-bike and an electric bike?
There is no difference between an electric bike and an e-bike, they are the same thing.

Can you ride an electric bike without pedalling? Do electric bikes charge when you pedal?
At Cycle Heaven all of our e-bikes are pedal assisted meaning that you have to pedal in order to activate the motor. We therefore can’t ride pedal assisted e-bikes without pedalling. However, there are some models which are throttle controlled meaning that they can be ridden without pedalling. There are limitations with these though, as the battery is drained a lot faster, and the enjoyment, the sense of control with bike riding is somewhat taken away.

Do e-bikes charge as you pedal?
E-bikes do not charge when you pedal, instead the battery needs to be plugged into your charger. You may be thinking of ‘regenerative braking’ as is featured on some e-cars. The vast mass of electric cars make this a viable prospect, but sadly with e-bikes you’d be battling against the laws of physics!

How do I choose my first e-bike?
At Cycle Heaven we are here to help you make the right choice. The most important thing is to chat with us about your intended usage. Is it for commuting and replacing a car, is it for leisurely weekend rides or for both? Do you carry heavy loads such as little ones on the back?

Tell us why you need the-bike, and we can help you make the right choice. All of our bikes are classed according to type with three colours. Orange is utility which is better suited for carrying heavy loads, blue is for performance with an emphasis on speed (and lycra!), and green is for recreation – basically getting out and having fun.

The versatility of bikes mean that some models may score well in all three classes, but none will top score in all. Every bike will be better at some things than others so it’s our job at Cycle Heaven to help you make the right choice. Above all, our friendly team want to help, and make the choice as easy and enjoyable as possible. We can recommend a bike (or two) for your needs, and let you have a test ride to see for yourself.

How do I charge an e-bike?
It’s very easy to charge an e-bike. All our bikes come with a charger similar to that with a laptop computer. You can plug this directly into the port in the-bike and connect to the mains. With most of our bikes you can also remove the battery for charging.

Do e-bikes take long to charge?
It depends on the battery size and the power of the charger. With a standard 4 amp charger and a bestselling 500w battery a full charge will take around 4.5 hours, a 750w battery 6 hours.

What’s your best advice on battery care for e-bikes?
Never expose to extremes of temperatures. Do not store for long periods of time fully charged or discharged. For best results store at 40-60% charge.

Are e-bikes hard to ride?
While e-bikes are a bit heavier than manuals, the assistance of the motor makes for an incredibly easy ride which can feel like an even lighter than on a manual.

All of our bikes are pedal assisted (where the motor is only activated through pedalling). This means that the enjoyment and health benefits of riding a bike are still there, it just makes things so much easier when the going gets a bit tougher. The extra power boost makes flying up that hill or going that bit further a breeze.

Can I ride my e-bike in the rain, and through water?
A little bit of water never hurt anybody, and this is the same for e-bikes and riders! The battery is sealed to prevent rainwater or splashes from puddles getting in; there is no electrical safety hazard.

But how about deep water? No body has ever been electrocuted while riding an e-bike through water, however, while there is no safety hazard, if the battery becomes submerged, it can malfunction, so avoid this if at all possible. If you have no choice, switch the power off before going through deep water to prevent this happening, and if the motor or battery is soaked it is important to dry out fully before charging again.

What’s the best way to wash your e-bike?
It is fine to wash your e-bike with a garden hose, but try not to spray directly onto the motor or battery. NEVER use a power wash and never wash your e-bike upside down. Also, avoid harsh chemicals as they can impact the seals on the battery and motor.

Are e-bikes worth the money?
If used for daily commutes, e-bikes can quickly pay back the cost of the bike. After all it costs a lot to run a car for short journeys as it is an inefficient use of fuel.  E-bikes are better for both the wallet and the environment.

Are e-bikes suitable for children?
At Cycle Heaven we would not recommend e-bikes for children, and it’s not legal for them to ride under 14. We have plenty of manual bikes to help get the journey started with little ones.

What is the best thing about e-bikes?
It makes cycling so much easier. You’re more likely to ride your bike more, which means less cars on the road! Once you enjoy a test ride, the journey’s changed for life!

Need some extra advice?

If you still need a bit more help in understanding electric bikes, visit us at one of our stores and our knowledgeable, friendly team with show you some options and offer you a test ride!

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